Happy Grazia
Coach Olga Deutsch
Ph.: +49(0)4731-249217
Olga Deutsch is "Person of the Year 2011" the town of Nordenham.
This very successful dance group consists of over 100 children and adolescents.
Visit Happy GRAZIA on "YouTube"
On 19.11.2011 Olga Deutsch with her showdancers Happy GRAZIA celebrated her 10-year anniversary with a colorful stage show:
Besuchen Sie Happy GRAZIA auf "YouTube"
Am 19.11.2011 feierten die Tänzerinnen von Happy GRAZIA um Olga Deutsch ihr 10-jähriges Bestehen mit einer bunten Bühnenshow:
To perform this dance performances in their diversity, is already started very early:
The coronation of the many shows that are listed since 2009, with the Happy German Bagpipers:
It started 2009 very well , showdances along with the Happy German Bagpipers in Punjab/India: See YouTube Video
More photos can be found in the Photo Gallery